Monday, March 9, 2009


hi all,

I have had another article published. this time on the link is here if you are interested in checking it out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Response to Casper February 28th" updated March 2nd

For those of you who don't know who Casper is, he is simply a regular poster at


Due to so much response to my “response to Casper Feb 28th letter posted yesterday, I wrote an addendum in order to address some of the points raised in the comments. I would greatly appreciate it if you could post this as well.


A Response to Casper February 28th” updated March 2nd

The whole intent of sending in a response to Casper was simply to add another voice to the dialogue and since some of the responses I received (a continuation of this dialogue) made such a strong impression on me, I felt compelled to address them.

First of all, I would like to encourage everyone to be careful not to judge the actions of others through your interpretation of what truth or spirituality is. This is a lesson that took me a very, very long time to learn and is one which I am still learning every day. Our eyes have filters on them and what we see is completely different from what others see. Our vision of things is not necessarily theirs. We are all on a journey (and yes, it IS all about the journey) and each of us chooses our own individual pathway. Yet in the end, we all end up at the same place. Home. As each of us travels along the road that we have chosen, we cross paths with others (synchronicity) and get the opportunity to share with one another and learn from one another and hopefully we move on from each experience having gained new insight and improved perspective about the world around us. Synchronicity is defined as: When 2 energies come together for a common purpose. Once we understand this, we begin paying more attention and looking for answers in our everyday encounters and experiences. We finally understand intuitively that there is no such thing as coincidences. But I digress!

My points therefore, are as follows:

1. For those of us who are hard on Casper, I would say please take a closer look. Here is a person that has unyielding faith in something good. He believes with all his heart that these “deliveries” are going to come through for the good of us all. Is this not a noble cause? At the end of many reports, he tries to be positive and reaffirm his belief that good will triumph over evil. What better example can we see of someone who is dedicated to something he believes in? For so long, he has been disappointed again and again, yet still he believes, still he has faith that it will happen. At times we can sense that he is discouraged, no different from the rest of us. Who can blame him? But, I truly believe that if there are enough people who share his desire, it will be so. And it will do so much for so many if it does come to pass. He gets beaten down, and he gets right back up. Therefore, I feel he deserves our light support as much as anyone.

2. For those who refer to prophesies as grounds for believing that Obama is already lost (along with the battle) because this prophesy says that and that reading say this. You believe so strongly in whatever you believe in, and I respect you for that. You are seeking God/enlightenment in your own way (or you would not be reading such literature) and so I am reminded of the following words, “Blessed is the man who searches for God in any way at all”. I must encourage you (in a spirit of love), though, to consider the possibility that you are unwittingly giving away your power and your free will. You are saying, “There is nothing I can do because it was predestined to be this way” and throwing up your hands in despair. Does that really sound like God to you? Where then, does free will come into the picture? If we are to believe in predestination, then we must also believe that none of us have free will...that we are simply here on earth living out our years for the purpose of fulfilling some scripted plan. I know intuitively (like so many others) that this is not the case. This then, is food for thought for those who willingly resign themselves to the concept that they have no power to play any part in making the world a better place.

We are indeed at the most crucial time in our history and none of us can afford to sit idle on the sidelines and not get involved. We are all equal and part of a global consciousness whether most of us realize it or not. So we must all as individuals simply say, “God/Spirit, show me what I need to do? Show me what I need to know?” and be ready when you get your answers (for once you open that door you WILL get them).
I have attached a link to a letter that I felt compelled to write to President Obama on Feb. 8th, 09. In it I encouraged all those who agree with the letters intent to participate in an easy, simple way (by personally e-mailing the President of the United States and doing your part).
Remember that every important thing that has ever been accomplished in history has, started with only one or a few people who believed that they could make a difference. I want to make a difference and I am asking you to make a difference with me.

May you always search for synchronicity in your life because that is where the answers you seek are often hidden!

This is the link to the letter:

Oh, yes, and watch out for 11:11 on the clock! It means you are on the right track! I just glanced at the clock this instant. Guess what time it was? But that is another story...

See you all at the finish line!


a response to Casper February 28th

For those of you who don't know who Casper is, he is simply a regular poster at

Dear Casper and 4winds readers,

As are many I am sure, I always find myself drawn to your updates because I find them interesting. I have no doubt that you are connected to a network of people who “report” what appears to be going on behind the scenes (under the peoples noses). You feel this is your calling, you expend a great deal of energy in doing so, and it plays a part in waking people up just as much as anything else does. Keep up your diligent work, for it serves a purpose.

For most, coming to the realization that thing are not as they seem (911 cover-up being a good example) tends to be very shocking. It is very often a catalyst by which people start the process of becoming enlightened. Once a person has their eyes opened in this way and they experience the act of “discerning truth” about something which shakes their core belief system, a shift takes place in the way they look at the world around them and they continue their journey from there with a much different perspective. They are at that moment forever changed and cannot turn back. I believe that it is at this point when we stop being “SHEEPLE” and start becoming more like we were meant to be.

For my part, I want to specifically address the “Obama” issue and offer up another perspective. While Casper’s work entails reporting about the way things appear, I wish to focus on the responsibility that all of us who understand the role intention plays in our lives, and to remind readers that they do not have to simply sit on the sidelines (eagerly awaiting the next play by play update by Casper and other like him). While it is important for us to keep ourselves informed and up to speed on current events on alternative news sites such as this one, we should also remind ourselves that we have a responsibility to do what we can to affect the outcome of the very events that we take the time to read about. I don’t think that there are many people who do not understand the fact that President Obama sits on a precarious perch. If he is not corrupted as Casper’s intelligence suggests , he is at least surrounded by many who are. We all know that. Outwardly, the President seems to be dishing out more of the same up to this point, but that says nothing of what is going on behind the scenes (in his inner circle). I would like to suggest that he FULLY understands that there is danger all around him, and that he is keeping his enemies close and waiting for his intuition to tell him when it is time to make moves. The chess game has begun. Early moves have been made and the front defenses are being tested. He knows that he needs to be careful…patient…move one piece at a time. He knows that he cannot make the fatal mistake of underestimating his/our enemies determination to keep the status quo (as John F. Kennedy perhaps did). He cannot show his hand too soon. A wise man learns from the failures/successes of others before him. He understands that he need to fight the battle in increments. It will take time and it is simply too soon to judge.

This is where all those who are awake come in. I think we can all agree that at all times there are those in the background who are attempting to influence the President in a myriad of ways and he is feeling pressure from all directions. He needs all the help he can get. In fact, he is counting on it. Imagine how much weight is on that man’s shoulder’s? Indeed, it must seem like the weight of the world. Does anyone really think he can do this on his own? He is not the savior of the world. He is a man who has the potential/willingness to play his role in changing things, yes, but it is the job of people all around the world to use their intention to give him the help/strength he needs. He is not the power, he is the instrument of the peoples power. That is the difference between him and those who have preceded him. JUST THINK POSITIVE AND BELIEVE THAT THINGS WILL CHANGE. If we DESIRE integrity in government, then it will be so. By our very thoughts we give him the support that he needs.
So right after I send in this email to the Bellringer’s, I am going to e-mail the President and say, “Hang tough, Mr. President…we’ve got your back!”

Maybe you should too? In fact, here is his e-mail address!

All the best,

Anthony Lukashuk

Letter to Obama update (Feb. 11,09)

Please do your part to help make change....

Let me say that whether you read the following letter because you feel compelled to or are simply reading it out of curiosity does not matter. Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that you (each and every one of you) can’t make a difference. Every idea that has ever been acted upon started with one person’s thought/idea...and if you get to the end of this letter and you agree with the intention of this message...if you share the same desire for change...then you are already making a difference and letting your voice be heard on a spiritual level. I implore you to pass this on to others (it doesn’t matter what country they are in or what nationality they are – this is a global issue). We are all a part of a global family and we all deserve the opportunity to have our voices heard.

One other thing I would ask you to do...simply send a 5 word e-mail to the President of the United States at and simply say, “I DEMAND GOVERNANCE WITH INTEGRITY”. Just click on the link provided and type those 5 words (and anything else that is on your mind)! Remember, we will all go down together as individuals who think they cannot make a difference OR we WILL prevail if we act as one. What have you got to lose! DO YOUR PART!

An open letter to President Obama

February 8, 2009

February 8th, 2009 Vancouver, Canada

An open letter to President Obama

Dear Mr. President (Mr. Obama),

I felt compelled to write you today to give you an important message. It would be easy for me to think that I am wasting my time and that you will never see these words, but I am writing this letter in Spirit, and therefore I know it serves a purpose…
I want you to know that I, along with a host of others, believe in you, Mr. Obama. We support you, because we know (in spirit) that you represent the “potential” for change. It all starts with “intention” and if you have the will/intent to do so, you are in a position to help turn things around. For many years (generations, in fact), America (along with many other countries) has been living under a dark shadow that has been caused by the greed of a select few and every time someone came along that was in a position to effect change (and upset the apple cart), something bad happened to them. I believe that John F. Kennedy was such a man. He had integrity. Then there was Martin Luther King. He would be so proud of you and I would like to think that he is standing right beside you (with his hand on your shoulder) every time you step in front of a microphone. He too had integrity. They both died standing up for what they believed in and I believe that they were both good men who used their intuition to make decisions, and undoubtedly refused the advice of others on many occasions. Be vigilant, Mr. President, watch your back and do not trust the advice of others over the advice of your own inner voice (your intuition) for your intuition is where the answers lie. I can only assume that you surrounded yourself with the people you did, because you believe that they possess useful knowledge, but remember that these people only have practice at running the country in the “old world way” and that way has failed “ABSOLUTELY”. In a way, we are already starting fresh whether we like it or not. We have no choice, as the damage has already been done and continues to be done. The good news, though, is that things are changing quickly now and I know that there is the “potential” for you to play a big role in the changeover to a new way, and that way is “Governance with integrity”. This same kind of integrity gave rise to the “Declaration of Independence” and the implementation of “rights and freedoms for all” that so many fought and died for.

Remember that “potential” that was promised (the prediction of a “major international event” on Jan. 21 or 22, 2009) by your own Vice-President (Mr. Biden), prior to the election. I want you to know that this “potential” did not take place because of the global shift in consciousness that is now rapidly taking place all around us and the United States of America IS going to change first and then be a beacon of light for the rest of the world. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, Mr. President. While it is true that there is a deepening recession taking place, something much more important is going on in the background. There is a “HOUSE CLEANING” going on and “IT IS NECESSARY”! When it is over there will be nothing left hiding in the dark corners…nothing left hiding in the nooks and crannies. No more skulking about in the corridors of the White House and the Pentagon late at night while the country sleeps. The shadows and darkness (back rooms and secret deals, pay-offs, extortion, bribery and corruption), where people with ill intentions have always been able to hide, are disappearing quickly now and these people are all starting to be routed out, one by one and this will continue until there are none left. Remember, Mr. President, you can put a little bit of darkness in a room full of light, and it has no effect, but if you light a single candle in even the darkest place, it is there for all to see! A single grain of sand can tip the scale to the other side. BE that grain of sand, Mr. President. BE that candle.

Your task is monumental, though, Mr. President, because you surely have inherited a mess like no other incoming President before you. Most assuredly, you are reluctant to make decisions that are going to make things worse in the short term and you cringe at the thought of letting giants fall because you fear the possible economic consequences and I don’t blame you. But you must understand that it will happen, if it must, and all the money that the Federal Reserve could ever print will not change that fact. It will only dig the American People (and indeed the world) deeper and deeper and the recovery will take longer and longer and soon the debt with be added onto yet another generation. Congress Rep. Ron Paul is right about that. There is a man that you should consider having close to you. He has integrity and he is not afraid to tell his “truth”. He can stand on his own 2 feet, and “HE IS YOUR ALLY”. I know this though, once you accept your “truth” and intuitively decide what really needs to be done, you need to come forward (despite the shrieks of disapproval you will undoubtedly have to endure from those in the background), and say to the American people and indeed to the world (and do not underestimate the wisdom of the people, for they also know the truth intuitively), that we all need to let this house of cards (un-backed financial system/debt based economy/corrupt financial markets and corporations) come tumbling down (even if it has to get worse before it gets better). You are not really letting the giants fall after all, Mr. President. They are doing that all on their own. For if they cannot stand on their own 2 feet without help from those little people who have no means to help them, what good are they then to the people and to the economy? They are simply bottomless pits and every time they will come back crying, “I need more money, I need more help!” Indeed, this is the worst thing to do, for if a man knows that he can always come back with his hand held out for money (and that the government will always look after him when he gets his business in trouble), what motivation would he have to run his business responsibly, so that it can succeed on its own merit? Now there is talk of regulating this and taking over that. Now there are many screaming that we need more and more government interference in matters that should take care of themselves in the open market. We need more regulation! Yes, that’s the problem! More government oversight! Where does it stop?

All the government needs to do is simply get out its own way, “Govern with integrity” and put the power back where it belongs…in the hands of the people. It simply needs to be accountable, just like the rest of us do. It needs to set an example for the rest of society because people always follow the example set by those in leadership. In spite of the lack of leadership shown in recent decades, the people now have renewed hope once again. Hope that things will be different this time. Mr. President, the change in the way government “governs it own conduct” will gain momentum with your help. In Congress, Mr. Paul has been like a “lone voice in the wilderness” because until now he has been the only one willing to come forward and admit the truth and for that he deserves our praise (not the condemnation he has been receiving by some). But there are many others in Congress (and the House) and in governments all around the world, I am sure, sitting on the fence, Sir, and they all WANT to come forward as well, because they know the truth just like the rest of us do. They don’t like the way things are any more than the rest of us do. They are simply afraid to be the first ones to step forward into the light, but once you set the right example for them to follow, they will be emboldened and the groundswell for change in the way the government conducts itself will begin and no one will be able to stop it and things will change before our very eyes. Then real and meaningful change will happen (not just band-aids and more of the same), and then we can all get on with the important business of rebuilding in earnest….and in integrity.
We ALL know this to be true because we are shifting the way that we think. We are, through the awakening of our intuition and re-connection with our higher selves, coming to realize that we are one and part of a global family…indeed a global consciousness. We are beginning to understand that we are all connected and with that knowledge in hand, we will move forward together and make this world once again into what it has not been for a very long time...


Sincerely yours,

Anthony Lukashuk